9,999,999 Tears

Freddy Bolen was in the studio… Here’s a tune that was a hit by Dicky Lee way back in 1974. We used to play this in “Misty Twilight” in 1977 or so…we thought we’d give it a try in the studio!

Wow! Near 2 thousand plays! Great job Freddy! 🙂

3 thoughts on “9,999,999 Tears”

  1. Good job guys! I remember Misty Twylight. That was only a few years ago, right? You were with your mom in that band?

    Also remember Turn Me Loose and Corina Corina.

    SG (let’s see if you remember these initials?)

  2. This was just too much fun!!! So happy to be back @’er and writing again, can’t wait to get more originals happening to add to the others… maybe get another SOCAN cheque someday and head to McDonalds for a Big Mac, hee-hee 😉 😉

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